Helping beach-nesting species

In 2017, over 7500 Euros was raised during the Wadden Islands Bird Festival and the Texel Big Day. This money will be used by the charity to help beach-nesting species on Texel. This will be done through providing better information at sites closed to the public during the breeding season, contributing towards a new birdwatching hide in Nieuw Buitenheim so that people can admire beach-nesting species without disturbing them, and with two new shell islands in the Wagejot.doneer schelpenstrand
On Texel, three areas of beach are closed during the breeding season to help protect nesting birds from walkers, dogs and cyclists; near de Hors, the lighthouse and the Volharding. The latter is home to breeding Little and Arctic terns and Kentish and Ringed plovers. Despite being cordoned off the area is still disturbed by people both intentionally or unintentionally. In consultation with site managers, we are hoping to create information boards to inform people as to the importance of the area for breeding birds with the aim of reducing disturbance.

Natuurmonumenten are creating new shell islands in the reserve area of Nieuw Buitenheim. This creates new opportunities for beach-nesting birds that are no longer found in naturally occurring breeding habitats. A hide and viewing area will be constructed that will enable people to see these vulnerable species for themselves. This will hopefully increase awareness and lead to greater support for the protection of these birds.

Thanks to sponsorship from Combinatie Tessel (the contractor who carries out the dyke reinforcement) we are able to restore a number of shell islands in the nature area of the Wagejot.