Seawatching point Westerslag

For a long time there has been the need to make an accessible seawatching point on Texel. A point from which observers can look over the sea in a range of conditions while remaining sheltered from the wind. The dunes at Westerslag on the North Sea coast is one of the best locations for this as the seabirds here are close to the coast.20170430 165918 Large
Seawatching can be great fun and seabirds can be seen throughout the year. These are often species that can not be observed elsewhere on Texel (or in the Netherlands). A good seawatching point must be high enough to provide good visibility and yet offer sufficient shelter from strong winds.

The location for the seawatching point was discussed with the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier and Staatsbosbeheer. The dune on the south side of the Westerslag provides a suitable site providing a good view over the sea and over part of the Dunes of Texel National Park. We have also called upon the National Park to support this project. Approximately € 50,000 is needed to realise the seawatching point. Would you also like to help? Donations are greatly appreciated and you can donate here.