Shell beach in het Wagejot

Thanks to the money raised through birdwatching excursions organised the Bird Information Centre, it was possible to renew and enlarge the shell beaches in het Wagejot. This was done in consultation with Natuurmonunenten. Firstly, an old, overgrown, shell beach had to be cleared before a thick layer of new shells could be applied on top. This was done in part by volunteers during one of the work weekends organised by Natuurmonumenten.
foto goede doel wagejot Large
The new shell beach is immensely popular with wildlife photographers, as is it possible to get close to breeding birds without disturbing them. This is exactly the goal of the charity Texel Bird Island.

The shell islands require major maintenance every year. Natuurmonumenten organises annual volunteer weekends for this. If you would like to participate in one of these weekends then please visit the website of Natuurmonumenten Texel.